Happy Valley: A Photographer Reflects on His Mormon Upbringing
Happy Valley: A Photographer Reflects on His Mormon Upbringing
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Rachel, my sister, her husband Chris, their two sons and nephew wait in the Timpanogos Temple’s reception room during sister Kim’s wedding. Due to their sacred nature, the actual wedding ceremony, or sealing, takes places in a separate private ceremonial room. December 2007Brian Shumway
It’s beyond cliché to say, “You can never go home again.” For the last 10 years, photographer Brian Shumway has been doing his best to turn this time-honored adage on its head, returning to his native Utah, a place known as “Happy Valley” to create a visual and emotional exploration of his own childhood and adolescence by photographing his siblings and their children.
Happy Valley is a nickname given by residents to Utah Valley in the Wasatch Mountains, a large area south of Salt Lake City that includes Orem and Provo. Nearly 600,000 people live in the valley, more than 80 percent of whom belong to the Latter-Day Saints Church (also know as Mormon), making it one of the most homogeneous communities in the United States.
Like the vast majority of residents of Happy Valley, Shumway’s family belongs to the LDS Church, a religion the photographer practiced early in life. But after high school, Shumway struck out on his own. He attended the University of Utah, before briefly studying photography at the Academy of Art San Francisco, and relocating to New York City shortly after to build his career as a portraitist and documentarian.
Once Shumway discovered photography, he began to use his camera as a vehicle to reconnect with his family. “After we started to grow up, move out, and have our own lives and families, photography was my unconscious attempt to become close to people to whom—because of our tumultuous household—I didn’t ever feel particularly as close as I would have liked,” Shumway said. “I also felt compelled to understand something about how this new generation of children my siblings were rearing was going to experience life in a place that had not been the happiest for me as a teenager.”
Despite the picturesque landscape, homogeneous-white-bread demographic and relative affluence of Happy Valley, Shumway tries to photograph moments that reflect his own malaise and circumspection. “To an outsider, living in Happy Valley would probably seem idyllic. It’s quiet, clean, middle to upper-middle class, Caucasian, has almost zero crime [and a place where] people leave their doors unlocked at night and neighbors borrow baking soda from each other,” Shumway said. “My photographs show an inner tension within this outwardly ideal world, mainly from a psychological perspective. The surrounding environment and people who inhabit it may be beautiful but something slightly unsettling lurks just below the surface. I was looking for moments and expressions which I felt captured this, and thus resonated with my own experience as a teenager.”
Shumway began having doubts about his family’s faith as a teenager. “Most people may not know or realize, but Mormonism, if lived as it’s supposed to be lived, is an orthodox religion,“ the photographer said. “As an orthodox religion, anything that waivers from the orthodoxy set by Mormon authorities isn’t tolerated.” Seemingly harmless acts, such as not wanting to go to church, not paying tithe or teenage petting resulted in punishment. “These were serious turn offs, and I did feel oppressed, but they didn’t in themselves drive me away,” Shumway said. “However, experiencing this did make me realize that there must be another way, that this can’t be the end-all be-all of life, thought and action. It’s not the absolute truth, as Mormons believe.”
At 16, Shumway began reading philosophers including Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre, Erich Fromm, and his doubts became more palpable. “Eventually it became obvious I was going down another path and I had to ‘come out’ to my family,” he said.
Even though Shumway no longer shares his family’s faith, they are still bound together. “I love to see my family and photographing them over the years, I feel, has brought us closer. They’ve totally accepted me, even though I’m no longer Mormon. I give them pictures, and some even have them framed on their walls.” Shumway said. “I feel that photographing my family in Utah is cathartic, especially in the very beginning. For a while I did have a love-hate relationship with Happy Valley and Utah. Going back year after year, I feel now I’ve come to accept this place, what it is and how it operates.”
Photographing his family has become almost a ritualistic part of his homecomings, and Shumway sees the series as one that will continue indefinitely. “It has, unwittingly, become a historical project,” says the photographer. “It is one family’s history and experience in a very unique place in the United States—one that’s outwardly secular but inwardly deeply religious and constantly at odds with itself. As my photography grows and evolves, so will Happy Valley and that, it seems, can only get more interesting.”
Brian Shumway is a photographer based in Brooklyn. See more his work here.
Rachel, my sister, her husband Chris, their two sons and nephew wait in the Timpanogos Temple’s reception room during sister Kim’s wedding. Due to their sacred nature, the actual wedding ceremony, or sealing, takes places in a separate private ceremonial room. December 2007Brian ShumwayAmelia, my niece. May 2006
Brian ShumwayL: Preston, my brother, and Annette, married less than an hour earlier, sneak a kiss before their wedding reception. The LDS church strictly forbids premarital sex and many forms of physical contact between the sexes. July 2005
R: My niece Sophie. December 2006Brian ShumwayMy sister Rachel has prepared a nicely sliced and plated vegan burger for her husband. Mormon authorities still prescribe traditional gender roles for their members. May 2006Brian ShumwayWith easy access to the roof, Pratt and Amelia, my nephew and niece, briefly explore the rooftop of their suburban home. May 2005
Brian ShumwayL: Golden, my nephew, grudgingly does his regular chore of mowing the family’s large lawn on a hot summer day. August 2010
R: Amelia, my niece, wastes no time taking advantage of freshly fallen snow. Average snow fall in the mountains is 400 to 500 inches a year. December 2006Brian ShumwayL: A neighborhood friend of the family pouts in the middle of the cul-de-sac. August 2010
R: My niece Amelia pretends to read the LDS scriptures, which include four books. The main two are the Bible and the Book of Mormon. There are two additional religious texts, which are the Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price. May 2006
Brian ShumwayL: My brother Nathan, dressed up as Jesus Christ, tries to get three of his five children, dressed in Biblical attire, to pose for photographs which will be painted depicting scenes of Jesus with children for a religious album. March 2009
R: Pratt shows his mother, my sister, Rachel “how Daddy kisses Mommy.” June 2006Brian ShumwayMy niece Ariel stands in her parents’ bedroom with her little sister. December 2006
Brian ShumwayAmelia poses coyly on a mattress in the front yard. Other belongings are strewn about because my niece’s paternal grandmother is moving back in with her estranged husband. June 2006Brian ShumwayPratt, my nephew, is dressed up in a skirt and girl’s tank top and poses with a neighborhood friend. June 2011
Brian ShumwayMy sister Amber. June 2011Brian ShumwayMy niece Amelia, bored and waiting for family to return home, perches herself atop a tree in the front yard on a late autumn afternoon. November 2009
Brian ShumwayDean, my nephew, ponders to himself while his much smaller cousins play together at a family reunion. Mormons are notorious for having large families, and mine is no exception. Most of my siblings have on average five children. August 2010Brian ShumwayL: My teenage nieces Kelsey and Jessica, who are sisters. May 2005
R: Pratt plays with a vacuum hose as colorful swirls and drawings decorate my nephew’s bedroom walls. December 2007
Brian ShumwayL: My nephew Jonah, dressed in Sunday attire in the parking lot of an LDS church, leaves his Uncle Preston’s wedding reception. Newlyweds often hold the reception in the gymnasium of LDS churches because it’s free. July 2005
R: Golden, another nephew. December 2006
Brian ShumwayL: Amelia runs around the neighborhood on a sunny, wintry day. The LDS church behind her is one of two churches within less than a quarter mile of my niece’s house. December 2007
R: Rachel, my sister, on the bed as her husband Chris rushes out of the shower and into the closet without his garments. Mormons are commanded to wear garments, which are a sacred underclothing, for life after going through the Endowment Ceremony. July 2005
Brian ShumwayMy brother Nathan, doing a favor for an LDS artist, dresses up as Jesus Christ to pose for photographs which will be painted depicting scenes of Jesus with children for a religious album. March 2009 Brian ShumwayMy niece Grace, fresh from church, is dressed in her Sunday best, wearing her brother’s top hat. On the Sabbath, all "worldly" activities, such as buying things, watching TV, playing video games, or even visiting friends, must cease. June 2011
Brian ShumwayL: My sister Audrey holds her daughter Avery at our brother Preston’s wedding reception held in the gymnasium of an LDS church. July 2005
R: Pratt and Amelia, brother and sister, pretend to be asleep atop a power transformer in their front yard. August 2010
Brian ShumwayMy nephew Pratt plays with a pitchfork and wheel barrel, used for the family’s small garden. Mormons possess a strong sense of self-sufficiency and preparedness. Many have their own garden with fresh vegetables and fruits. June 2011 Brian ShumwayRachel, profoundly influenced by Native American religion, has begun to mesh Native religion with her Mormon faith. Here, my sister discusses the latest news about her Native American religion group with a fellow attendee. June 2011
Brian ShumwayDean hugs a spinning wheel at Discovery Park. As an act of defiance, my nephew wrote the swear word "Shit" on his hand. November 2010
Brian ShumwayMy nephew Pratt raises a toy sword toward the window light in his bedroom. In the Book of Mormon, there is a well known story about a sword called the Sword of Laban. Laban owned a sword whose “workmanship...was exceedingly fine” (1 Ne. 4:9). Laban, an evil character, opposed God’s will by refusing to give Nephi, a hero in the Mormon faith, the sacred Brass Plates and also sought to kill Nephi. So Nephi, guided by the "Spirit," cut off Laban’s head with his own sword, kept it for himself, then put on Laban’s armor. November 2009Brian Shumway