Humankind got closer to Pluto than ever before on Tuesday morning, with NASA’s New Horizons probe flying just 6,000 miles from the former planet.
The unprecedented proximity to Pluto has provided scientists with previously unconfirmed data about the dwarf planet, including its size. On Monday, NASA announced that Pluto, with a diameter of 1,473 miles, is slightly larger than previously thought. To help space enthusiasts conceptualize Pluto’s size, NASA created a graphic comparing Earth, Pluto and Charon, Pluto’s largest moon.
See Scenes From Astronaut Scott Kelly’s Second Month in Space
Astronaut Scott Kelly has posted a photo almost every day since arriving at the ISS. Here, see a selection from his second month of his year in space. (Via Twitter on May 13, 2015)NASA"Get ready to test your #geography skills! I’ll post a new #SpaceGeo pic today. How to play:" - via Twitter on April 29, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA"Enjoying morning coffee with my friend @tomkochnews and @abc13houston aboard @Space_Station. #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on May 1, 2015NASA"#SaturdayMorning #coffee with my old friend #PlanetEarth. #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on May 2, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA"If I was looking through a microscope instead of a very big camera lens I would think I was looking at a virus" - via Twitter on May 3, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA"Had my first cup of fancy coffee yesterday from the much anticipated @Space_Station #espresso machine. Not too bad." - via Twitter on May 4, 2015NASA"Space taco w rehydrated eggs, sausage & hot sauce on a tortilla. Happy #CincoDeMayo from @Space_Station #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on May 5, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA"#SpaceGeo! A serpent is known for deceptive traits, but don’t let this snake pull the wool over your eyes. Name it!" - via Twitter on May 6, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA"Looking at the sands of #Earth it's hard to imagine there are more stars than every grain on our planet.#YearInSpace" - via Twitter on May 7, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA"Subtropical Storm #Ana churns off the East coast of USA. #Wx from @Space_Station. #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on May 8, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA"I don't know where in the US Southwest this is, but it sure is beautiful. #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on May 9, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA"#watercolor from space. #YearInSpace." - via Twitter on May 10, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA"#MtEtna Highest European active #volcano lives up to its Italian name Mongibello (beautiful mountain) from space too" - via Twitter on May 11, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA"Caught our star peeking through #Dragon's solar arrays today. Good night from @Space_Station! #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on May 13, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA"Watching my bro @ShuttleCDRKelly on #CelebrityJeopardy onboard @Space_Station this morning. Great job representing!" - via Twitter on May 15, 2015NASA"The view out my window. #CapeTown #SouthAfrica. #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on May 16, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA"#Africa Interesting how a barren desert exposes Earth in a surprising way that is beautiful from space #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on May 18, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA".@POTUS Welcome to @Twitter, Mr. President. You told me to #IG my mission up here Glad to see you tweeting down there" - via Twitter on May 19, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA"Guess what day it is? #SpaceGeo! New #geography trivia photo today. How to play:" - via Twitter on May 20, 2015NASA"Released #Dragon early this a.m. @ISS_Research on Earth. Mission success! Congrats & good night from @Space_Station!" - via Twitter on May 21, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA"#RedSea. I'd sure like to jump into you this morning. #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on May 22, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA"My ninth #SaturdayNight onboard @Space_Station. #SaturdayFun! #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on May 23, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA"Just flew over you #Honolulu #Hawaii. Happy #MemorialDay! #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on May 24, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA"This #MemorialDay honoring those who gave their lives in service to our nation with a picture of #ArlingtonCemetary" - via Twitter on May 25, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA"Hard to imagine this underwater. My thoughts are w those affected by the floods back home. Stay safe. #HoustonFlood" - via Twitter on May 26, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA