Twelve photographers have been selected as the finalists of the Prix Pictet photography award’s seventh edition.
The works of Mandy Barker, Saskia Groneberg, Beate Guetschow, Rinko Kawauchi, Benny Lam, Richard Mosse, Wasif Munem, Sohei Nishino, Sergey Ponomarev, Thomas Ruff, Pavel Wolberg and Michael Wolf will be featured in an exhibition opening at the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) in London on May 4, 2017, when the winner will be announced by Prix Pictet honorary president and former United Nations Secretary General, Kofi Annan. As with previous years, the jury will choose the winner based on the work that best exemplifies this year’s Space theme.
“The works presented for this edition of the Prix Pictet were of an exceptionally high standard,” said Sir David King, Chair of the Prix Pictet Space jury, in a statement. “The range of creative response by the some 700 photographers nominated for the award was truly remarkable. Reviewing work of such quality and diversity was no easy task, but no less fascinating for that.”
The winner of the Prix Pictet award will receive a $100,000 cash prize.
Bianca Silva is a writer and contributor to TIME LightBox. Follow her on Twitter.
Tokyo compression 18
From the series: Tokyo Compression, Tokyo, 2010.
Michael Wolf
Tokyo compression 75
From the series: Tokyo Compression. Tokyo, 2009Michael Wolf
Ophelia medustica (Pram wheel).
Specimen collected from Glouthaune shoreline, Cove of Cork, Ireland.Mandy BarkerPlamacina retroversta ic. III. (White plastic horse). Specimen collected from Cobh shoreline, Cove of Cork, Ireland.
From the series: ‘Beyond Drifting: Imperfectly Known Animals’.Mandy BarkerS # 1, 2004.Beate GuetschowS#11
Series: S Series
2005Beate GuetschowTrapped 04. From the
series: Subdivided Flats, 2012, Hong KongBenny LamTrapped 08. From the Series: Subdivided Flats, 2012, Hong Kong.Benny LamUkrainian civilians stand behind a barricade as they watch at Riot police lines near the Maidan square in Kiev, 2014. From the
series: Barricades, Kiev, Ukraine, 2014. Pavel WolbergProtestor running from tear gas during riots in the Palestinian village of Nilin in the West Bank. From the
series: Barricades,
2010Pavel WolbergUntitled from the series of Ametsuchi
Series: Ametsuchi.
Aso, Kumamoto, Japan, 2012.
Rinko Kawauchi
Untitled from the series of Ametsuchi Series: Ametsuchi. Aso, Kumamoto, Japan, 2012Rinko KawauchiFrom the Idomeni
series: Heat Maps
digital Chromogenic metallic print. Idomeni, Greece, 2016.Richard MosseFrom the Larissa
series: Heat Maps
digital Chromogenic metallic print. Larissa, Greece, 2016Richard MossePolice on horses escort hundreds of migrants after they crossed from Croatia in Dobova, Slovenia, Tuesday October, 20, 2015.Sergey PonomarevMigrants arrive by a Turkish boat near the village of Skala, on the Greek island of Lesbos. The Turkish boat owner delivered some 150 people to the Greek coast and tried to escape back to Turkey; he was arrested in Turkish waters.
Series: Europe Migration Crisis. November 16, 2015. Sergey PonomarevOvergrown suit jacket and filing cabinet. Open space office, private bank, Stuttgart.
Series: Büropflanze
Saskia GronebergFoliage encroaching on blinds. Series: Büropflanze, Municipal office, Munich, 2012.Saskia Gronebergma.r.s.08 II. Series: ma.r.s.Thomas Ruff
ma.r.s.14. Series: ma.r.s.
Thomas Ruff
Land of Undefined Territory A Series: Land of Undefined Territory
Pigment Print, Bangladesh, 2014.Wasif MunemLand of Undefined Territory A Series: Land of Undefined Territory
Pigment Print, Bangladesh, 2014.Wasif MunemDiorama Map. From the amsterdam
Series: Diorama Map, Amsterdam, 2014.Sohei Nishino
Diorama Map. From the Havana series: Diorama Map, Havana, 2016.Sohei Nishino