For nearly 20 years, the United Nations has designated March 21 as World Poetry Day, as part of UNESCO’s effort to “give poetry its rightful place in society” despite a “tendency in the media and among the general public to refuse to take the poet seriously.”
But that feeling is much older than a few decades. LIFE Magazine noted a similar sentiment in 1962, that it was easy to believe that Americans have a tendency to feel “somehow that poetry is high-flown talk and poets no real students of the world we know.” And yet, the magazine added, thanks largely to the poets whose words set the 20th century to new rhythms and who crafted the ideas that helped their readers see the modern world in a new way, that belief has often been proved false.
No matter what people may think about poetry as a concept, it’s hard not to react when confronted with a great poem.
One piece of evidence of that appreciation of poetry can be found in the pages of LIFE Magazine, where — though the magazine only occasionally ran actual poetry, usually in the course of news about poets and the poetry business — readers came face to face with some of the modern world’s most well-regarded poets. In one such instance, for a story about Robert Frost, the magazine quoted the poet Paul Engle’s statement that the best way to “praise a poet” was to write a poem. LIFE, however, was better known for photography than for poetry, and so the magazine gave credit in its own way to the men and women who crafted the century’s best-loved verses.
In honor of World Poetry Day, here’s a look back at 30 of those timeless portraits of poets.
Dorothy Parker, 1940.Bob Landry—The LIFE Images Collection/Getty ImagesRobert Frost, 1943.Eric Schaal—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty ImagesT.S. Eliot, 1951.Alfred Eisenstaedt—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty ImagesEdna St. Vincent Millay, 1941.Alfred Eisenstaedt—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty ImagesEzra Pound, 1970.David Lees—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty ImagesCarl Sandburg, 1953.Allan Grant—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty ImagesWilliam Carlos Williams, 1954.Lisa Larsen—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty ImagesW.H. Auden, 1969.Harry Redl—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty ImagesAllen Ginsberg, 1966.John Loengard—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty ImagesLangston Hughes, 1958.Robert W. Kelley—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty ImagesMarianne Moore, 1953.Esther Bubley—The LIFE Images Collection/Getty ImagesJohn Berryman, 1967.Terence Spencer—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty ImagesJorge Luis Borges and his wife, 1968.Charles H. Phillips—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty ImagesPablo Neruda, 1949.Nat Farbman—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty ImagesLeonard Cohen, 1960.James Burke—The LIFE Collection/Getty ImagesRobinson Jeffers, 1948.Nat Farbman—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty ImagesRod McKuen, 1967.Ralph Crane—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty ImagesGregory Corso, 1959.Loomis Dean—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty ImagesRobert Lowell, 1956.Alfred Eisenstaedt—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty ImagesEdith Sitwell, 1953.George Silk—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty ImagesOgden Nash holding his daughter Jill, 1951.Mark Kauffman—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty ImagesPaul Valery, 1945.David E. Scherman—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty ImagesSarojini Naidu, 1946.Margaret Bourke-White—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty ImagesRobert Penn Warren, 1956.Leonard McCombe—The LIFE Images Collection/Getty ImagesLawrence Ferlinghetti, 1957.Nat Farbman—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty ImagesArchibald MacLeish, 1960.Alfred Eisenstaedt—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty ImagesEvgeny Evtushenko, 1968.Stan Wayman—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty ImagesWallace Stevens, 1950.Walter Sanders—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty ImagesLouis Aragon, 1946.Ralph Morse—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty ImagesKenneth Rexroth, 1957.Nat Farbman—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images