Jan Rader
by Joe ManchinHuntington, W.Va., fire chief Jan Rader has spent her career running toward fires and training the next generation of firefighters to do the same. And right now in West Virginia, our biggest fire is the opioid epidemic.
Like they are in many communities across the country, overdoses and overdose deaths are a frequent occurrence in Huntington. And like many local heroes, Rader is on the front lines combating this epidemic every day. Nevertheless, her strength and compassion never waver. She has saved countless lives and has been unrelenting in her commitment to help people struggling with substance-use disorders return to lead productive lives.
As the first woman to lead a professional fire department in West Virginia, she broke down barriers for young women across our state and continues to serve as the type of leader West Virginia and America need right now.
If every city had a chief like Jan Rader, our country would be a better place.
Manchin is a U.S. Senator from West Virginia