Elise Stefanik is a builder—no easy feat in an age when so much of politics is about tearing people down. Elise has built a record as an authentic, respected voice for ideas and common sense. And she has built an organization to recruit more women to run for office in a party that needs more inclusivity. This is a fight she has taken on personally and passionately.
Like any good architect, Elise sees around the corner. She is thinking about the big picture when the crowd is scrambling to capitalize on the controversy of the day. Ever since I first met Elise—when she was assigned to be director of debate prep during my run for Vice President—she has stood out for her intellect and work ethic.
Elise isn’t just the future of the Republican Party. She is the future of hopeful, aspirational politics in America.
Ryan, a Republican, is a former Speaker of the House